April meeting

Join us as we start the new year off with our first meeting of the year. All are welcome to attend as we enjoy a breakfast together and discuss the business and socialize about our lives with cars.

October meeting

Come join us at our monthly Thunderbird Club meeting with breakfast available and good conversation. All Thunderbirds are welcome.

September meeting

September meeting will be held at 9am for breakfast and 10am for business at Ben Dew’s Clubhouse Grill on 6th Ave. AllĀ  are welcome. Come join us for good conversation.

Rally in the Valleys

Duvall, WA

Large cedar near the big rock.

We had a great time driving and navigating on really cool roads that were fraught with 15-20 mph corners on 35-40 mph limits.

This “TSD” was held on Sunday, May 5th, 2024. It is a competition, that felt more like a game to us, to match the organizer’s time as closely as possible by adhering to the posted speed limits and not missing a turn while estimating the time you should be passing any posted distance, Hence the name; Time, Speed, Distance event. The host rainierautosports.com had layed out a great route and notes in a book to guide us. We saw great views of rivers and mountains went over wooden bridges and narrow roads that “roller-coastered” through lush green conifer forests. The route we were taken on went from Duvall to Index and back to Monroe then up to Granite Falls and finally Stanwood where we all gathered for a nice meal at a Thai restaurant. Awards were given out and we enjoyed time with our competitors. I would like to take a couple of passengers next time to introduce them to this discipline of auto sports. Real roads, real cars, real competition, feels like racing, never breaking a law. This really is a great way to use and enjoy your car. Navigating, while it sounds like just riding along, is not so easy or boring as just reading notes. One must be aware of what is coming in the instruction notes and how quickly they may come together, read the descriptions aloud in a way that the driver can efficiently use and answer any questions fast, know how to use the phone app and, when something is off, what to do. The Novice class is for beginners and there is a vintage class when there are enough of them.

This is the namesake of “Big Rock Park” in Duvall, WA where we started.
Starting place near the Safeway where coffee and restrooms were.
The starting scene.
Rainier auto sports club tent
#10 was a hot BMW
End of stage 1 was a park and ride lot.
Stage 2 end, waiting to start stage 3.
Robbin Smith Navigating.
End of stages are sometimes pristine.
My navigator had questions for the organizer.
The Wojnich mem. bench was our lunch stop in Index.
Granite walls in Index were the backdrop for lunch.
The P. O. in Index.
The food bank was the end of another stage.
We could use a general map to give us a bird’s eye view.
The finish line was a Thai restaurant in Stanwood, WA. We had this whole section. Over 40 people.
We were genuinely surprised.