This post is here to show the names and hues of exterior colors offered as options on Ford Thunderbirds throughout the line over it’s entire lifespan of 50 years. Colors are part of the emotional side of automotive design like styling and interiors the color and it’s name will evoke images and feelings that the onlooker will react to. Ford has tried to get this reaction to inspire the right stuff in onlookers that it’s cars would be liked and thus purchased, admired or sought after. The palette changes every year to cause a change in this reaction. some colors are always present while others come and go. This list reveals that 1955 comes in with the least amount of choices with 5 while 1971comes in with the most choices at 25 having 4 greens, 7 blues and 6 browns among the hues that year. You can find the detailed list for these and other cars at the website: https://PaintRef.com